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Visiting Iberian Peninsula


Iberian Peninsula is a kind of mountainous region and a very impressive place to study biodiversity and climate change. Supported by the Miguel(s)' team, I went around the peninsula twice from April to June, and easily caught the shining sun, rain, snow and hailstone. We finally managed to perform the field microcosm experiments similar to our previous study (Wang et al 2017 Nat Comms) and obtained massive water and sediment samples. I called it "massive" not only because of the sample number and weights, but also because of the great gradients in nutrient and climate covered. That was a particularly exciting experience to handle four excess luggages with samples at the airport. Great thanks to all lovely buddies for helping me around along the trip: Catia, Kasia, Andreu, Pedro(s), Joao, and of course Miguel(s).

When back from the trip, warm welcome goes to our new members: Annika and Kaiyuan.




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